It's only a few hours before the President of the United States of America will give his State of the Union Address and what are you expecting him to say that will give you hope? People from all walks of life are desperate to know what they are in store for them. Their finances from how taxes are they going to pay, their life insurance premiums are high, auto or car insurance, mortgage loans and their overall economic outlook is not good. Neither their finances are good because of the results from the economic downturn and recession. What do you want to hear from the President? You can also throw in the question about student loans and school consolidation loans which are very hard to get these days.
I was trying to calculate a mortgage if I can get a mortgage loan and that would be largely dependent on how the economy will fare in the next little while as jobs are not too many and good ones either. And it is fairly difficult to hold on to your job as there too many cuts here and there. So how can you be confident that things can get any better anytime soon?
There are too many questions and answers as we do not know where the economy is going. I do not know the answer to any of these and I am putting this out for anyone who can read this blog to give any comment, good or otherwise. We can have great discussion of this topic as it involves our lives and how we can help or better our lives during these bad economic times.
So the biggest questions for me is about life insurance premiums and rates, auto insurance, student loans, mortgage loans and to calculate a mortgage, school and college consolidation loan, debt consolidation loans in general, my general finance outlook and things along these lines. The reason I am want to know more about this is most of the culprit from this disastrous economy is from the banks and the financial institutions and it is fair all these that I mentioned above.
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